Sensor MCQ for O level Exam:
Q1. Which sensor is used in Mobile phones?
A. Capacitive Touch Sensor
B. Temperature Sensor
C. Water Sensor
D. All of Above
Ans: A
Q2. If 1 means an object is detected and 0 meaning no object is detected, then considering the sensor stationary, what can be the possible movement of object if the output by the sensor is observed as 111000? यदि 1 का अर्थ है किसी वस्तु का पता चला है और 0 का अर्थ है कि किसी वस्तु का पता नहीं चला है, तो सेंसर को स्थिर मानते हुए, यदि सेंसर द्वारा आउटपुट 111000 के रूप में देखा जाता है, तो वस्तु की संभावित गति क्या हो सकती है?
A. Object is stationary
B. Object is oscillating side by side
C. Object is moving away
D. Object is moving closer
Ans: C
Q3. Sensor effectiveness depends on which of the following parameters? सेंसर की प्रभावशीलता निम्नलिखित में से किस पैरामीटर पर निर्भर करती है?
A. Radiation
B. Resistivity
C. Sensitivity
D. All of the above
Ans: D
Q4. LDR sensor works on the principle of:
A. Resistivity
B. Photoconductivity
C. Conductivity
D. Both (A) and (C)
Ans: B
Q5. Which of the following is used to capture data from the physical world in IoT devices? IoT उपकरणों में भौतिक दुनिया से डेटा कैप्चर करने के लिए निम्नलिखित में से किसका उपयोग किया जाता है?
A. Sensors
B. Actuators
C. Microprocessors
D. Microcontrollers
Ans: A
Q6. Which has the Actuators?
A. Motor, Gears
B. Pumps
C. Valves
D. All of the Above
Ans: D
Q7. Which types sensor measures gases or liquid?
A. Pressure Sensor
B. Proximity Sensor
C. Temperature Sensor
D. Touch Sensor
Ans: A
Q8. ESP8266 is..............
A. WiFi module
B. Sensor
C. Board
D. USB Cable
Ans: A
Q9. Which consists of two different metals connected at two points? जिसमें दो अलग-अलग धातुएँ दो बिंदुओं पर जुड़ी हुई होती हैं?
A. Thermistor
B. Resistance Thermometer
C. Thermocouple
D. Semiconductor based sensor
Ans: C
Q10. What is DS18B20?
A. Pressure sensor
B. Touch sensor
C. Humidity sensor
D. Temperature sensor
Ans: D
Q11. LM35 is which type sensor?
A. Pressure sensor
B. Humidity sensor
C. Temperature sensor
D. Touch sensor
Ans: C
Q12. Which type of temperature sensor is placed in Integrated Circuits?
इंटीग्रेटेड सर्किट में किस प्रकार का तापमान सेंसर लगाया जाता है?
A. Thermistor
B. Resistance Thermometer
C. Thermocouple
D. Semiconductor based sensor
Ans: D
Q13. Which is the Wireless battery-free sensor?
A. LM35
B. RFM3200
C. ESP8266
D. DHT11
Ans: B
Q14. Most sensors have what type of transfer function?
A. Zero
B. Infinity
C. Linear
D. Non-linear
Ans: C
Q15. Which of the following is used to capture data from the physical world in IoT devices? IoT उपकरणों में भौतिक दुनिया से डेटा कैप्चर करने के लिए निम्नलिखित में से किसका उपयोग किया जाता है?
A. Sensors
B. Actuators
C. Microprocessors
D. Microcontrollers
Ans: A
Q16. MQ-135 is a type of __________.
A. Humidity sensor
B. Gas sensor
C. Light sensor
D. Temperature sensor
Ans: B
Q17. What is the use of the IR Sensor?
A. Humidity Detection
B. Image Processing
C. Object Detection
Ans: C
Q18. Which of the following is threat to IoT Device?
A. Virus
B. Natural Disaster
C. Spoofing
D. All of the above
Ans: C
Q19. The core element is operated by:
A. PaaS
B. IoT Service Provider
C. SaaS
D. IaaS
Ans: B
Q20. Which of the following is not an asset in a typical IoT System?
A. IoT Device
B. Gateway
C. Application
D. None of the above
Ans: B
Q21. Which parameter is taken through pulseIn() in ultrasonic sensor?
A. Voltage
B. Frequency
C. Time duration
D. Distance
Ans: C
Q22. Which of the following is an example of an LDR sensor application?
A. Lights
B. Clock
C. Voltage Divider
D. All of above
Ans: A
Q23. Sensor effectiveness depends on which of the following parameters?
A. Raditation
B. Resistivity
C. Sensitivity
D. All of above
Ans. C
Q24. A Gateway software must be smart enough so that it can handle ……..
A. Sensors
B. Logging
C. Message
Ans: B
Q25. How many different types of failures in a capacitive humidity sensor
A. 5
B. 4
C. 3
D. 7
Ans: C
Q26. Total type of capacitive touch sensors are
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans: A
Q27. When microcontroller executes arithmetic operations, then flag bits of which register are affected?
D. All of Above
Ans: A
Q28. How many flags are in 8085 Microprocessor?
A. 5
B. 10
C. 7
D. 12
Ans: A
Q29. Which is not an actuator?
A. Shutter doors
B. Motor
C. Relay
D. All of Above
Ans: A
Q30. Which is a function of a sensor?
A. Track and Transfer data to processor
B. Activate response
C. Separate physical parameters
D. All of Above
Ans: A
Q31. Sensor generates an output signal based on
A. Data
B. Output
C. Input
D. All of Above
Ans: C
Q32. Sensor effectiveness depends on
A. Radiation
B. Resistivity
C. Sensitivity
D. All of Above
Ans: D
Q33. Which is used in washing machine?
A. Microprocessor
B. Microcontroller
C. Both A & B
D. None of Above
Ans: B
Q34. Which type of Barometer Sensor?
A. Touch Sensor
B. Pressure Sensor
C. Humidity Sendor
D. None of Above
Ans: B
Q35. Which sensor is non contact type sensor that detects the presence of an object?
A. Proximity Sensor
B. Temperature Sensor
C. Presure Sensor
D. None of Above
Ans: A