Q1. JavaScript was invented by
W3- Group
Hel Sinki Linux
Brendan Eich
Ans: C
Q2. Variable can hold which type of value at a time:-
A. Multiple
B. Single
C. Double
D. None
Ans: B
Q3. Javascript is a Language -
Hyper Text Markup
Ans: B
Q4. The extension of Javascript fill is -
Ans: C
Q5. JS is Ideal to
Make Competition in HTML simpler
the Download time for client
Minimize Storage requirement on the Web Server
Ans: C
Q6. Integer variable is declared in JS.
A. Int num:
B. Integer num;
C. Integers nums;
D. Var num;
Ans: D
Q7. Multiple declaration of variable are separated by
A. ,
B. :
C. *
D. ;
Ans: A
Q8. Java Script was originally developed under the name
A. Action Script
B. Senche()
C. Cak
D. Mocha
Ans: D
Q9. Which was the first browser to support JS?
A. NetScape
C. Google Chrome
D. Mozilla Firefox
Ans: A
Q10. Which of the following attributes is used to include external JS code inside html document?
A. Script
B. Src
C. Link
D. Rel
Q11. JS is designed for following purpose:
A. To execute query related to database on server
B. To style html page
C. To add inter activity to html page
D. To perform server site scripting language
Ans: C
Q12. What is output of the following code?
<script language=”javascript”>function n()
{ document.write(2+5+”8”);
A. 258
B. 78
C. 15
D. None
Ans: B
Q13. What is the output of following code?
A. 44
B. 8
C. 0
D. None
Q14. Which process is used by checkbox?
A. Select
B. Focus
C. Blur
D. Click
Ans: D
Q15. Which method of JS that a value of input user and store in a variable?
A. Alert()
B. Write()
C. Prompt()
D. None
Ans: C
Q16. Which type of JS language is….
A. Object oriented
B. Assembly language
C. High Level Language
D. Object based
Ans: D
Q17. What is the output of following code?
Var obj={x:10}
A. 1
B. Error
C. 10
D. 5
Ans: A
Q18. Which of the following also known as conditional expression:
A. Alternative to if else
B. Switch statement
C. If then else statement
D. Immediate if
Ans: D
Q19. In JS what is a block of statement;
A. Conditional block
B. Block that combine a number of statement into a single component
C. Both A & B
D. Block that content a single statement
Ans: C
Q20. The function and var are known as
A. Data types
B. Keywords
C. Prototype
D. Declaration statement
Ans: D
Q21. What is the output of following JS code?
Var count=0;
A. Error in display
B. An exception is throwing
C. The value of count variable is loged or store in a particular location on storage
D. The value of count from ‘0 to 9’ is display in the console.
Ans: C
Q22. The output of following JS code
Int x=8;
A. 9
B. 0
C. 8
D. Undefined
Ans: C
Q23. Write the output of following JS Code?
Var grade=”c”;
Var result
Case ‘A’:
Case B:
Case C:
Result =’0’;
A. 10
B. 9
C. 8
D. 0
Ans: C
Q24. What is the output of JS code:
Var x=3;
Var y=2;
Var z =0;
Else if (y==x)
A. 3
B. Error
C. 1
D. 0
Q25. Which variable takes precedence over the other if the names are same?
A. The local element
B. Global variable
C. Two of Above
D. None
Ans: A
Q26. Which of the following are the correct ways for calling the JS code:
A. Preprocessor
C. Triggering ever
D. Function/method
Ans: D
Q27. Which of the variable is volatile?
A. Mutable variable
B. Volatile variable
C. Immutable volatile
D. None
Ans: A
Q28. In java script which is not considered as an error?
A. Syntax error
B. Missing of semi colons
C. Division by
D. Missing of bracket
Ans: C
Q29. Which of the following number object function return the value of number?
A. Two string ()
B. Value of function
C. To local string ()
D. To precession
Q30. In javascript x==y statement provide that
A. Both are x and y are equal in value only
B. Both x and y are are equal in value; type and reference
C. Both are equal in value and data type
D. Both are not same at old
Ans: C
Q31. What is the output of following java script code?
Var string1=”40”;
Var value unit =50;
Alert(srrint1+int value)
A. 4090
B. 90
C. 4050
D. 5090
Ans: C
Q32IN JS what will be used for calling function definition expression?
A. Function prototype
B. Function literal
C. Function calling
D. Function decoration
Ans: B
Q33. Which statement suitable to check if the patterns match with the string?
A. Text(text)
B. Equals(pattern)
C. Text(pattern)
D. Text==pattern
Ans: D
Q34. Architectural pattern of Angular JS is based on
A. MVVM Architectural pattern
B. MVM Architectural pattern
C. MCM Architectural pattern
D. None of Above
Ans: A
Q35. Module created through AngularJS function is called
A. Module()
B. Angular module()
C. mod()
D. None of Above
Ans: B
Q36. Which is perfect for AngularJS
A. Single page Application
B. Multi page Application
C. Both A&B
D. None of Above
Ans: A
Q37. Which functionality of angular controllers is
A. An angular controller is used for controlling data
B. It id used for displaying data
C. It is used for Analysis data
D. All of Above
Ans: A
Q38. Which directive is used to bind the application data in AngularJS?
A. ng-view directive
B. ng-bn-bind directive
C. ng-bind directive
D. All of Above
Ans: C
Q39. Angular JS is supports which community
A. Google
B. Bing
C. Yahoo
D. All of Above
Ans: A
Q40. Angular JS is
A. It is an open source front end web framework
B. It is not an open source front end web framework
C. It is an open source back end web framework
D. Both A & C
Ans: A
Q41. Angular JS is which type framework
A. Javascript framework
B. W3 CSS framework
C. .Net framework
D. None of Above
Ans: A
Q42. The syntax of create a module in Angular JS is module("app",[]):
Q.43 Which is used to call a javascript code?
A. Function
B. Method
C. Both A & B
D. None of Above
Ans: C
Q44. We used ng-, x- and data-for a prefix for directive.
Q45. The syntax for writing Angular JS expression is {{expression}} and
The syntax for multiple filters in Angular JS is {{expression | filter1 | filter2 |.....}}
Q46. Javascript use which scoping type
A. Lexical
B. Sequential
C. Segmental
D. All of Above
Ans: A (Lexical scoping to resolve the variable names when a function is created inside another function)
Q47. Angular JS is devloped by
A. Misko Hevery
B. Brendan Eich
C. Tim Berners Lee
D. Ray Tomilson
Ans: A
Q48. ng-app directive is used to start an angular JS application.
Q49. AngularJS Directives
ng-app directive initialize an AngularJS application.
ng-init directive initializes appilcation data.
ng-model directive binds the value of HTML controls to application data.
Html contrls like input,select,textarea
<div ng-app="" ng-init="firstname='CAREER'">
<p>Name: <input type="text" ng-model="firstname"></p>
<p>He write: {{ firstname }}</p>
What is Angular JS?
Angular JS extends HTML with new attributes with directives and binds data to HTML with expressions and it is perfect for Single page Application (SPAs). It is JavaScript framework and we add simple in HTML page by <script> tag. It is developed by Misko Hevery in 2009 and it support Google community.
We can add angular JS by code
AngularJS Expressions
It is written as {{expression}} and inside a directive it is written as ng-bind="expression".
For example:
{{10+10}} or {{ firsname+""+lastname}}
Angular JS Modules
Angular JS module defines an application and it is a container for application controllers. A module is created by angular.module function. We add controller by ng-controller directive.
AngularJS Directives
ng-app directive initialize an AngularJS application.
ng-init directive initializes appilcation data.
ng-model directive binds the value of HTML controls to application data.
Html contrls like input,select,textarea
Angular JS Scope:
It is the binding part among HTML and JavaScript. The scope is available view and controller both. We can pass scope by $scope.
AngularJS Filters
AngularJS provides filters to transform data like currency, date, filter, lowercase, number, order by, uppercase etc.
The syntax for multiple filters in Angular JS is {{expression | filter1 | filter2 |.....}}
JavaScript MCQ Questions Video By Rajesh Sir