Libreoffice Impress MCQ Questions and Answers For CCC & O Level NIELIT Exams
Q1. What is the minimum zoom in LibreOffice Impress? लिबरऑफिस इम्प्रेस में न्यूनतम ज़ूम कितना है?
A. 10
B. 5
C. 8
D. 20
Ans: B
Q2. What is the Maximum zoom in LibreOffice Impress? लिबरऑफिस इम्प्रेस में अधिकतम ज़ूम कितना है?
A. 1000
B. 2000
C. 3000
D. 4000
Ans: C
Q3. How many slide printed on an A4 paper in LibreOffice Impress? लिबरऑफिस इम्प्रेस में A4 पेपर पर कितनी स्लाइड मुद्रित होती हैं?
A. 6
B. 9
C. 12
D. 15
Ans: B
Q4. What is the default file extension in LibreOffice Impress? लिबरऑफिस इम्प्रेस में डिफ़ॉल्ट फ़ाइल एक्सटेंशन क्या है?
A. .odt
B. .ods
C. .odp
D. pptx
Ans: C
Q5. Which of the following view is not available in LibreOffice Impress? निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा दृश्य लिबरऑफिस इम्प्रेस में उपलब्ध नहीं है?
A. Outline
B. Notes
C. Slide sorter
D. Master
Ans: D
Q6. Which of the following is a slide transition effect in LibreOffice Impress? लिबरऑफिस इम्प्रेस में निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा स्लाइड ट्रांज़िशन प्रभाव है?
A. Wipe all over
B. Fine Dissolve
C. Bit by bit
D. None of the above
Ans: B
Q7. What is shortcut key to exit LibreOffice Impress? लिबरऑफिस इम्प्रेस से बाहर निकलने की शॉर्टकट कुंजी क्या है?
A. Ctrl + Q
B. Ctrl + W
C. Shift + C
D. None of Above
Ans: B
Q8. What is shortcut key to add new slide in LibreOffice Impress? लिबरऑफिस इम्प्रेस में नई स्लाइड जोड़ने की शॉर्टकट कुंजी क्या है?
A. Ctrl + N
B. Ctrl + M
C. Shift + N
D. Ctrl + Shift + N
Ans: B
Q9. What is Power point known as in LibreOffice Impress? लिब्रे ऑफिस इम्प्रेस में पावर प्वाइंट को क्या कहा जाता है?
A. Draw
B. Impress
C. Calc
D. writer
Ans: B
Q10. What is shortcut key for slide show from current slide of the presentation? प्रेजेंटेशन की वर्तमान स्लाइड से स्लाइड शो के लिए शॉर्टकट कुंजी क्या है?
A. F5
B. Ctrl + F5
C. Shift + F5
D. Alt + F5
Ans: C
Q11. LibreOffice Impress में कौन सा Alignment नहीं होता है?
A. Central Alignment
B. Left Alignment
C. Right Alignment
D. Justification
Ans : D
Q12. LibreOffice Impress में Macros command किस menu में मिलता है?
A. Insert
B. slide
C. Tools
D. None
Ans : C
Q13. LibreOffice Impress किस तरह का program है?
A. स्प्रेडशीट
B. वर्ड प्रोसेसिंग
C. प्रेजेंटेशन
D. इनमें से कोई नहीं
Ans : C
Q14. LibreOffice Impress में बने Presentation का By Default क्या नाम होता है?
A. Shw1
B. Slide1
C. Presentation1
D. Untitled1
Ans : D
Q15. LibreOffice Impress में कौन सी file का प्रारूप नहीं जोड़ा जाता है?
A. जेपीईजी (JPEG)
B. एच टी एम एल (HTML)
C. जी आई एफ (GIF)
D. डब्लू ए वीI (WAV)
Ans : B
Q16. Libre Office presentation को किस नाम से जाना जाता है?
Silde Animation
Ans : B
Q17. Jump to Last edited slide पर जाने की shortcut key क्या है
None of above
Ans : B
Q18. Slide pane का option किस Menu में होता है?
Page Layout
Ans : A
Q19. Slide Transition का option किस में होता है?
1 and 2
Ans : C
Q20. Libreoffice draw में ruler की shortcut key क्या है?
Ctrl+ Alt+ O
None Of These
Ans : A
Q21. लिब्रा ऑफिस Impress में कितनी मीनू होते हैं?
Ans : 3
Q22. Impress में text box के लिए किस key का प्रयोग करते हैं?
Ans : 4
Q23. Impress में previous slide पर जाने के लिए किस key का प्रयोग करते हैं-
Ans : 4
Q24. Which of following feature of Libre Office Impress?
Vector Graphics
Slide & Presentation
All of the Above
Ans: 4
Q25. Which bar show present and total slide number?
Count Bar
Status Bar
Current bar
Drawing tool bar
Ans: 2
Q26. How many layout in slide layout panel?
Ans: 2
Q27. Which key is used for stop slide show between?
Ans: 1
Q28. Which option related from animation?
Fly in Show
All of the these
Ans: 4
Q29. Which command is used for set time of every slide?
Rehearse Timing
Time set
None of Above
Ans: 1
Q30. What is command for jump to last edited slide in libreoffice impress?
A. Shift+F5
B. Ctrl+Shift+F5
C. Ctrl+Alt+F5
D. Alt+Shift+ F5
Ans: D
Q31. Which is the default page orientation in a libreoffice Impress?
A. Landscape
B. Portrait
C. Vertical
D. Horizontal
Ans: A
Q32. Which is the default slide layout in a LibreeOffice Impress?
A. Blank
B. Title Slide
C. Title and content
D. Title Only
Ans: B
Q33. What is the shortcut key for Navigator in LibreOffice Impress?
A. F5
B. Ctrl+Shift+F5
C. Shift+ F5
D. Ctrl+F5
Ans: B
Q34. Which is the special effects on slides in a presentation?
A. Animation
B. Special Effects
C. Transitions
D. Custom animations
Ans: C
Q35. Which is called that objects on the slide that hold text?
A. Placeholders
B. Objects holders
C. Auto Layouts
D. Text holders
Ans: A
Q36. Which provides a printed copy of your presentation?
A. Outline
B. Speaker notes
C. Audience handouts
D. None of Above
Ans: C
Q37. Which perform is used for slide transitions effects?
A. When move from one slide to next
B. Starting of presentation
C. End of presentation
D. When we click inside the object of a slide
Ans: A
Q38. Which option can insert in LibreOffice Impress?
A. Insert
B. Slide
C. Format
D. View
Ans: A
Q39. Which menu is used to set an image in the background of a slide in LibreOffice Impress?
A. Slide
B. View
C. Tools
D. Insert
Ans: A
Q40. What is the maximum number of slides that can be printed in the Master Handout?
A. 9
B. 12
C. 4
D. 6
Ans: D
Q41. Which menu has Macros command in Libreoffice Impress?
A. Insert
B. Slide
C. Tools
D. Format
Ans: C
Q42. Which menu has Master slide function in LibreOffice Impress?
A. Tools
B. Format
C. Insert
D. Slide
Ans: D
Q43. Which menu has slide transition option in LibreOffice Impress?
A. Tools
B. Format
C. Insert
D. Slide
Ans: D
Q 44. Which file format is not added in Impress?
D. All of Above
Ans: C
Q45. Which command is used to exit form presentation in LibreOffice Impress?
A. Ctrl+W
B. Ctrl+Q
C. Ctrl+close
D. Ctrl+Shift+C
Ans: A
Q46. Which menu has slide layout option in LibreOffice Impress?
A. View
B. Insert
C. Format
D. Slide show
Ans: A
Q47. Which is the by default template in LibreOffice Impress?
A. Image and content
B. Title only
C. Title and Content
D. Content only
Ans: C
Q48. Which are found in LibreOffice Impress?
A. Single Toolbar
B. Standard Toolbar
C. Menu Bar
D. All of Above
Ans: D
Q49. Which view display only text in LibreOffice Impress?
A. Slide Show
B. Slide Sorter View
C. Outline View
D. None of Above
Ans: C
Q50. Which is not available on presentation wizard?
A. Open new presentation
B. Open Existing presentation
C. Empty presentation
D. None of Above
Ans: A
Q51. Which command is used to open templates in Libreoffice Impress?
A. Ctrl+N
B. Ctrl+Shift+N
C. Ctrl+O
D. None of Above
Ans: B
Q52. Which is not a valid presentation mode in LibreOffice Impress ?
A Full Screen
B Half Screen
C In a Window
D Loop and Repeat
Ans: B (O Level Jan2023 Set2)
Q53. To protect sensitive information portion/ content in a file in LibreOffice Impress it is recommended to use -लिब्रे ऑफिस इम्प्रेस में फाइल में संवेदनशील जानकारी वाले हिस्से /सामग्री की सुरक्षा के लिए किसका उपयोग किया जाता है |
A. Redact
B. Protect
C. React
D. Hide
Ans: B (O Level Jan2023 Set2)
Q53. Impress allows a user to ……………………..macros.
A. Run
B. Edit
C. Organise
D. All of the above
Ans: D
Q54. What is the shortcut key to Find and Replace in Presentation file created in libreOffice Impress is ?
A. Ctrl+H
B. Ctrl+F
C. Ctrl+G
Ans: A
Q55. Connectors are anchored to particular places in LibreOffice Impress by using ----
A. Fixer
B. Glue
C. Point
D. Glue Point
Ans: D
Q56. Which property of Snap Object can be adjusted in LibreOffice Impress ?
A. X-Position
B. Y-Poistion
C. Vertical Type
D. All the above
Ans: D
Q57. Which is not a valid paper format in Impress Slide property?
A. Length
B. Width
C. Height
D. Orientation
Ans: A
Q58. Two shapes in Presentation file created in LibreOffice Impress can be connected using ...........
A. Joint
B. Fix
C. Attacher
D. Connector
Ans: D
Q59. What is the shortcut key to exit from slide show in LibreOffice Impress?
A. Esc
B. Ctrl+Home
C. Ctrl+Shift +Home
D. Delete
Ans: A
Q60. Which view is not available in LibreOffice Impress?
A. Outline
B. Notes
C. Page
D. Master
Ans: D
Q61. How many max view add in your slide of Libreoffice Impress?
A. 6
B. 7
C. 5
D. 10
Ans: D
Q62. What is command to insert a comment in LibreOffice Impress?
A. Alt+C
B. Ctrl+Alt+C
C. Shift+C
D. None of Above
Ans: B
Q63. Which is not a part of main LibreOffice Window?
A. Work Pane
B. Task Pane
C. Slide Pane
D. All of Above
Ans: A
Q64. Which option is used to timing om slide in presentation of Impress?
A. Slide Tool
B. Slide Timer
C. Rehearsal
D. None Of Above
Ans: C
Q65. Maximum nimber of slides that can be view on a page in slide shorter bview in Impress?
A. 6
B. 9
C. 12
D. 15
Ans: D
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