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LibreOffice Writer MCQ Questions

Writer's picture: Rajesh SinghRajesh Singh

Updated: Dec 26, 2024

What is LibreOffice Writer?

LibreOffice Writer is the free and open-source word processor module of the LibreOffice programming bundle. It is a word processor like to Microsoft Word and Corel's WordPerfect with numerous undifferentiated from highlights, and record design similarity. There are following questions asked in CCC exam.

LibreOffice Writer Questions and Answer for CCC exam

Q1. In LibreOffice Writer, mail merge option is in which menu?

(A) Insert

(B) Format

(C) Tools

(D) Form

Ans: C

Q2. What is the shortcut key of manage template key in LibreOffice Writer?

(A) Ctrl + T

(B) Ctrl + shift + N

(C) Shift + N

(D) None of above

Ans: B

Q3.Find the Minimum zoom percentage in LibreOffice Writer?

(A) 20

(B) 10

(C) 15

(D) 5

Ans: A

Q4.What is the maximum font size in LibreOffice writer?

(A) 72

(B) 96

(C) 11

(D) 48

Ans: B

Q5.What is the shortcut key of superscript in LibreOffice Writer?

(A) Ctrl + shift + P

(B) Ctrl +shift + B

(C) Ctrl +Shift + S

(D) None of Above

Ans: A

Q6. What is the shortcut key of increasing font size in LibreOffice?

(A) Ctrl + ]

(B) Ctrl + }

(C) Ctrl+[

(D) Both A and B

Ans: D

Q7. What is the shortcut key for Autotext used in LibreOffice Writer?

(A) Ctrl + F3

(B) Ctrl + F2

(C) Ctrl+F4

(D) None of the above

Ans: B

Q8. What is the shortcut key for save as in LibreOffice Writer?

(A) Ctrl + Shift + S

(B) Ctrl + S

(C) F12

(D) None of the above

Ans: A

Q9. What is the shortcut key for Auto spell check used in LibreOffice Writer?

(A) Shift + F7

(B) Ctrl + F7

(C) F7

(D) Ctrl + Shift +F7

Ans: A

Q10. What is the shortcut key for heading 3 in LibreOffice Writer?

(A) Ctrl + 1

(B) Ctrl + 2

(C) Ctrl+ Shift + 3

(D) Ctrl + 3

Ans: D

Q11. In LibreOffice Writer, find the location of footnote?

(A) Bottom of the page

(B) Top of the page

(C) Bottom of the document

(D) Top of the document

Ans: A

Q12. By default Line spacing in LibreOffice Writer is?

(A) 1

(B) 1.5

(C) 2

(D) 2.5

Ans: A

Q13. What is the shortcut key for double underlying in LibreOffice Writer?

(A) Ctrl + Shift + D

(B) Ctrl + D

(C) Ctrl+U

(D) Ctrl + Shift + U

Ans: B

Q14. What is the shortcut key for inserting a table in LibreOffice Writer?

(A) Ctrl + F12

(B) Ctrl + F2

(C) Ctrl+F1

(D) None of the above

Ans: A

Q15. What is the shortcut key for page break in LibreOffice Writer?

(A) Ctrl + Enter

(B) Ctrl + Shift + Enter

(C) Sift + Enter

(D) Enter

Ans: A

Q16. What is the default file extension in LibreOffice Writer?

(A) .odt

(B) .ods

(C) .odp

(D) .docx

Ans: A

Q17. In which menu the commands like bold, italic, underline are found in the LibreOffice Writer?

(A) Style

(B) Format

(C) Insert

(D) View

Ans: B

Q18. In LibreOffice, the shortcut key of going at the last of the left of the cell is

(A) Alt + Tab

(B) Tab

(C) Alt

(D) Shift + Tab

Ans: D

Q19. In LibreOffice Writer, scroll bar option is in which menu?

(A) File

(B) Insert

(C) Tools

(D) View

Ans: D

Q20. Thesaurus option is in which menu of LibreOffice?

(A) Format

(B) Tools

(C) View

(D) None of the above

Ans: B

Q21. Which shortcut key is used for full screen in LibreOffice?

(A) Ctrl + Shift + J

(B) Ctrl + Shift +K

(C) Shift +J

(D) None of the above

Ans: A

Q22. Which shortcut key is used in LibreOffice to hide or unhide the ruler?

(A) Ctrl + Shift + R

(B) Ctrl + Shift + P

(C) Ctrl+ Shift + B

(D) None of the above

Ans: A

Q23. What is the shortcut key for clear format in LibreOffice Writer?

(A) Ctrl + C

(B) Ctrl + M

(C) Ctrl+ Shift+ M

(D) None of the above

Ans: B

Q24. What is the shortcut key to close the current window in LibreOffice Writer?

(A) Ctrl + Q

(B) Ctrl + W

(C) Ctrl+T

(D) None of the above

Ans: B

Q25. Ruler option is found in which menu?

(A) Home

(B) Insert

(C) View

(D) Tools

Ans: C

Q26. What is the default location of save in LibreOffice Writer?

(A) Desktop

(B) Documents

(C) Downloads

(D) All of above

Ans: B

Q27. What is the shortcut key for heading 2 in LibreOffice Writer?

(A) Ctrl + 1

(B) Ctrl + 2

(C) Ctrl+3

(D) None of the above

Ans: B

Q28. What is the margin in LibreOffice Writer document?

(A) .5

(B) 1.5

(C) 0

(D) 1

Ans: D

Q29. What is the word processing in LibreOffice?

(A) Draw

(B) Impress

(C) Calc

(D) Writer

Ans: D

Q30. What is the file extension for template in LibreOffice Writer?

(A) .odp

(B) .odt

(C) .ott

(D) .doc

Ans: C

Q31. Which of the following is not shown in status bar of LibreOffice Writer?

(A) Total Characters

(B) Current page number

(C) Total numbers of words

(D) Computer’s name

Ans: D

Q32. Which of the following keyboard shortcut is used to exit writer?

(A) Ctrl + F4

(B) Ctrl + F2

(C) Ctrl+F1

(D) Alt + F4

Ans: D

Q33. How do you paste special in LibreOffice ?

(A) Ctrl + Shift + V@

(B) Ctrl + V

(C) Ctrl + Shift + P

(D) Ctrl + P

Ans: A

Q34. What is the shortcut key to create a new document in LibreOffice Writer?

(A) Ctrl + N

(B) Ctrl + Shift+ N

(C) Shft + N

(D) None of the above

Ans: A

Q35. LibreOffice Writer के किस menu में mail merge या लेटर विजार्ड पाया जाता है?

a) फॉरमैट

b) फाइल

c) टूल्स

d) इंसर्ट

Ans : c)

Q36. LibreOffice Writer में default font size कितना होता है?

a) 10

b) 12

c) 15

d) 6

Ans : b)

Q37. Libreoffice Writer में new style के लिए किस shortcut key का प्रयोग करते हैं?

a) Shift + F12

b) Ctrl + F11

c) Ctrl + Shift + F11

d) Shift + F11

Ans : d)

Q38. Libreoffice Writer में redu करने की shortcut key है?

a) Ctrl + Z

b) Ctrl + Y

c) Ctrl + R

d) Ctrl + Shift + R

Ans : b)

Q39. LibreOffice Writer में Manage template की shortcut key क्या होती है?

a) Ctrl + T

b) Ctrl + shift + N

c) Shift + N

d) None

Ans : b)

Q40. LibreOffice writer में बुलेट लिस्ट जोड़ने के लिए किस कुंजी का प्रयोग करते हैं?

a) Shift + F12

b) F12

c) Ctrl + F12

d) None

Ans : a)

Q41. Why is used the command Ctrl+Shift+F12 in LibreOffice Writer?

A. Bullet List

B. Number List

C. No list

D. None of Above

Ans: C

Q42. What is the by default alignment in LibreOffice Writer?

A. Left

B. Right

C. Center

D. Justify

Ans: A

Q43. What is the command for Extension Manager?

A. Ctrl+Alt+E

B. Ctrl+E

C. Ctrl+Shift+E

D. Alt+E

Ans: A

Q44. What is the command for Ruler in Writer?





Ans: B

Q45. Super script and sub script दोनों सामान करैक्टर की तुलना में बड़े दिखाई देते हैं?

a) True

b) False

Ans : b)

Q46. What is the shortcut command for Manage Template in LibreOffice Writer?

A. Ctrl+Shift+N

B. Ctrl+N

C. Ctrl+N+O

D. Ctrl+Shift+O

Ans: A

Q47. LibreOffice writer में status bar को हटाया जा सकता है?

a) True

b) False

Ans : a)

Q48. LibreOffice writer एक ओपन सोर्स system software है?

a) True

b) False

Ans : b)

Q.49 LibreOffice Writer और एमएस ऑफिस दोनों में Ctrl + F का समान कार्य होता है?

a) True

b) False

Ans : a)

Q50. LibreOffice Writer में सामान्यता लैंडस्केप होता है?

a) True

b) False

Ans : b)

Q51. LibreOffice writer document को हम doc, docx, xml जैसे files में save नहीं कर सकते क्योंकि यह ओपन सोर्स होता है?

a) True

b) False

Ans : b)

Q52. What is the shortcut key for thesaurus? A. F7 B. Ctrl+F7

C. Shift+F7

D. None of Above

Ans: B

Q53. Which menu has print preview option in Libreoffice Writer?

A. Insert

B. View

C. Edit

D. File

Ans: D

Q54. What is the print at time of document printing?

A. Line Number

B. Page Number

C. Both A& B

D. None of Above

Ans: B

Q55. What is the shortcut key for insert table in LibreOffice Writer?

A. Ctrl+F12

B. Shift+F12

C. Alt+F12

D. None of Above

Ans: A

Q56. What type we do with the help of Ruler in LibreOffice Writer?

A. Tab setting

B. Page Margin

C. Setting Indents

D. All of Above

Ans: D

Q57. What is the shortcut commands to moves on starting of the first page?

A. Ctrl+Home

B. Home

C. Shift+home

D. Alt+Home

Ans: A

Q58. Which key is used to switch between open application?

A. Alt+Tab

B. Ctrl+Spacebar

C. Ctrl+Window

D. All of Above


Q59. The keys like F1,F2, F3, F4 and so on are called

A. Numeric Keys

B. Typewriter Keys

C. Function Keys

D. Special Purpose Keys

Ans: C

Q60. Which is not displayed in the LibreOffice Writer Status Bar?

A. Total Number of words

B. Current Page Number

C. Total Characters

D. None of these

Ans: D

Q61. A rectangular area on a computer screen in which documents programs or messages can be stored?

A. Cell

B. Tuplet

C. Window

D. Field

Ans: C

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Rajesh Singh
Rajesh Singh
Feb 25, 2022

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