Q1. Which of the following is not included in the framework?
A. Font size
B. Css reset
C. Button style
D. Forms
Ans: D
Q2. Which class is used to background color of text?
A. W3-color
B. W3-color-red
C. W3-hover-text
D. W3-text-color
Ans: A
Q3. What is the default font size of h1 in w3.css?
A. 24px
B. 36px
C. 12px
D. 48px
Ans: B
Q4. Which is not valid alignment in w3.css?
A. W3-left-align
B. W3-right-align
C. W3-center-align
D. W3-center
Ans: C
Q5. Which class property makes an image transparent?
A. W3-opacity
B. W3-striped
C. W3-gutter
D. W3-oval
Ans: A
Q6. Which class is not used in a table
A. W3-striped
B. W3-stripe
C. W3-border
D. W3-bordered
Ans: B
Q7. Which class is not image class?
A. W3-round
B. W3-circle
C. W3-border
D. W3-oval
Ans: D
Q8. Which class is not provided border?
A. W3-border-top
B. W3-border-right
C. W3-border-bottom
D. W3-border-gutter
Ans: D
Q9. Which is not a valid list types in w3.list?
A. Small
B. Large
C. Xlarge
D. Xsmall
Ans: D
Q10. What is w3.css?
A. It is a modern, responsive, mobile first css framework
B. It provides equality for all browsers
C. It provides equality for all devices
D. All of Above
Ans: D
Q11. Which statement is true for responsible table in w3.table?
A. W3-responcsive class creates a responsive table
B. It scroll horizontally on small screens
C. It is same for all screen devices
D. All of above
Ans: D
Q12. How many column supports by responsive grid?
A. 12 column
B. 10 column
C. 16 column
D. None of Above
Ans: A
Q13. How many padding add by W3-container?
A. 16px left
B. 16px right
C. 16px left and right
D. 16px top and bottom margin
Ans: C
Q14. Which statement correct for w3-panel?
1. It is displaying notes
2. It is displaying quotes
3. It is displaying alerts
4. All of Above
Ans: D
Q15. Bootstrap was first introduse in
A. Google
B. Instagram
C. Snapchat
D. Twitter
Ans: D
Q16. What is output of following code?
Pstrong {background-color-yellow ;}
A. strong have yellow background
B. Both p and strong have yellow background
C. strong element with in a p element have a yellow background
D. None
Ans: C
Q17. Which selector selects any tag with an id attribute?
A. @id
B. .class
C. #id
D. *
Ans: C
Q18. Which selector selects the element that is target of a referring url
A. :target
B. :selection
C. :void
D. url
Ans: A
Q19. Which selector select the element if its the child of its parents
A. :root
B. :only-child
C. :nth-of-type(N)
D. None of Above
Ans: B
Q20. W3-text-color class is used for
A. background
B. forground
C. Both A & B
D. None of Above
Ans: B
Q21. Which class is used to sets the container to keep 1/2 th of the windows
A. W3-quarter
B. W3-third
C. W3-half
D. None of Above
Ans: C
Q22. Which is developed by w3schools.com?
A. www
B. w3.css
C. tim burners lee
D. Ray Tomilson
Ans: B
Q23. Which class adds 16px padding left and right and 16px margin top and bottom?
A. W3-pannel
B. W3-container
C. W3-grid
D. All of above
Ans: A
Q24. Which class is used to create an image as a card?
A. W3-card
B. W3-title
C. W3-image
D. All of Above
Ans: A
Q24. Which is used to make a responsive websites?
B. Javascript
C. W3.css
Ans: D
Q25. W3-pannel adds
A. 16px left & right padding and 16px top & bottom margin
B. 16px left & right padding
C. 16px top & bottom margin
D. 16px left & right margin
Ans: A
Q26. Which type of the size of w3.css panel?
A. Square
B. Oval
C. Rectangle
D. Triangle
Ans: C
Q27. Which of the following default size class in w3.css?
A. w3-medium
B. w3-small
C. w3-large
D. w3-tiny
Ans: A
Q28. Which class use for showing the main list in w3-cssframework?
A. w3-list
B. w3-ol
C. w3-ul
D. w3-item
Ans: C
Q29. Which class use to given the text is center of image?
A. w3-display-center
B. w3-display-buttommiddle
C. w3-display-topcenter
D. w3-display-middle
Ans: D
Q30. Which is the following collapsible panel?
A. hidden button
B. close button
C. open button
D. hoverable button
Ans: B
Q31. Which have the information below the web page?
A. header
B. footer
C. footnote
D. endnote
Ans: B
Q32. Which class is used to add zebra stripes to a table?
A. W3-table-striped
B. W3-zebra
C. W3-striped
D. W3-zebra-striped
Ans: C
Q33. Which is following right class for right alignment?
A. W3-align-right
B. W3-right-align
C. W3-text-right
D. W3-right
Ans: B
Q34. Which is not property in w3-table?
A. W3-border
B. W3-centered
C. W3-table
D. W3-striped
Ans: B
Q35. Which is not correct class for font size in w3.css?
Ans: C
Q36. Which class used to background color?
A. W3-text-color
B. W3-color
C. W3-red
D. None of Above
Ans: B
Q37. Which class has 12 column grid.
A. W3-image
B. W3-column
C. W3-col
D. All of Above
Ans: C
Q38. Which class used to create input control in form of w3.css?
A. W3-input
B. W3-label
C. W3-checkbox
D. W3-radio
Q39. The perfect class use for ………………. In w3-container?
A. <article>
B. <header>
C. <div>
D. All of Above
Ans: D
Q40. W3.css is used for
A. Server side scripting
B. Client side scripting
C. Bodh A & B
D. Responsive Web Designing
Ans: D
Q41. Which class is used to create largest font size in w3.css?
A. W3-xxlarge
B. W3-xxxlarge
C. W3-jumbo
D. W3-largest
And: C
Q42. We use bootstrap for
A. Web Application
B. Bigdata
C. Bigdata Analytics
D. None of Above
Ans: A
Q43. The correct CDN for w3.css
Ans: D
Q44. W3-container class is not used for HTMl container
A. <div>
B. <division>
C. <section>
D. <span>
Ans: D
Q45. W3.css is a standard css that has
A. Javascript library
B. Jquery library
C. Java Jqueery library
D. None of Above
Ans: D
Q46. The basic lists in w3.css
A. w3-div
B. w3-ol
C. w3-center
D. All of Above
Ans: B
Q47. Default font in w3.css
A. Arial
B. Verdana
C. Both A & B
D. None of Above
Ans: B
Q48. Which statement is false for heading in w3.font in w3.css framework?
A. Segoe Ul is default font for headings
B. Segoe Ui has a more narrow letter spacing
C. Heading allow a lesser number of letters in the headings
D. Smallest heading tag is <h6>
Ans: C
Q49. Which statement is true for w3-panel?
A. w3-panel class is perfect for displaying notes
B. w3-panel is correct for displaying quotes
C. w3-panel is correct for displaying alerts
D. All of Above
Ans: D
Q50. Which is first declared to become an official w3c recommendation?
A. CSS level1
B. CSS level0
C. CSS level2
D. All of above
Ans: A
Q51. Which css framework is developed by twitter?
A. Bootstrap
C. w3.css framework
D. Both A& C
Ans: A
Q52. Which class used for displays content inside a circle?
A. w3-circle
B. w3-circle-border
C. w3-cicle.css
D. None of Above
Ans: A
Q53. Which is used for making responsive web design?
A. w3.css
B. w3.css.grid
C. w3.css.panel
D. w3.panel
Ans: A
Q54. Which class is used for hoverable background colors to the text and buttons?
A. w3-hover-color
B. w3-color
C. w3-hoverable-color
D. All of Above
Ans: A
Q55. Which class is used for horizontal navigation bar?
A. w3-bar
B. w3-nav
C. w3-navbar
D. All of Above
Ans: C
O Level July 2022 asked questions asked by NIELIT SET 1:
Q1. “w3-border-0” is a border property for w3.css, which of the following is true ?
(A) It has rounded borders
(B) removes all borders
(C) removes rounded borders only
(D) None of these
Ans: B
Q2. “w3-row-padding” is a class which defines :
(A) Container for responsive classes, with 8px left and right padding
(B) Container for responsive classes with no padding
(C) Container for responsive classes with padding
(D) None of these
Ans: A
Q3. Which of the following element does not belong to the w3-container class ?
(A) <section>
(B) <get>
(C) <blockquote>.
(D) <header>
Ans: C
Q4. “w3 - border” is one of the class used for w3.CSS tables which defines :
(A) Bordered lines
(B) Bordered Table
(C) Dashed lines
(D) None of these
Ans: B
Q5. <img src="xyz.jpg" class="w3-circle" alt="Alps">.
What is the usage of “alt” attribute in the above line of code ?
(A) specifies an alternate text if the image is not displayed
(B) displays an alternate text along with the image
(C) displays the image only
(D) None of these
Ans: B
Q6. Which of the following w3.CSS classes is not used to align-text ?
(A) class="w3-left-align"
(B) class="w3-right-align”
(C) class="w3-center-align"
(D) class="w3-center"
Ans: D
Q7. Which of the following classes used to display an extra large list ?
(A) w3-large.
(B) w3-xxlarge
(C) w3-xlarge
(D) None of these
Ans: C
Q8. To add rounded corners to an image which class is used :
(A) w3-round - corner.
(B) w3-rounded.
(C) w3-round.
(D) None of these
Ans: C
Q9. “s3” class in w3.CSS defines :
(A) 3 of 12 columns (width:33.33%) for large screens.
(B) 3 of 12 columns (width:33.33%) for small screens
(C) 3 of 12 columns (width:25.00%) for small screens.
(D) 3 of 12 columns (height:25.00%) for large screens.
Ans: C
Q10. Which of the following is the default font size used in w3.CSS ?
(A) Times New Roman
(B) Verdana
(C) Arial
(D) Segoe UI
Ans: B
Q11. w3-hover-color” class defines the :
(A) text hover color for any html element.
(B) color of any html element.
(C) background hover color for any html elements
(D) None of these
Q12. Which property of w3.CSS restrict a responsive image to a maximum size ?
(A) max:width property
(B) image:restrict property
(C) max:height property
(D) image:width property
Ans: A
Q13. W3.CSS is a standard CSS that has :
(A) jQuery library.
(B) JavaScript library.
(C) Both (A) and (B) are true.
(D) Both (A) and (B) are false.
Q14. W3.CSS has a panel class that adds top and bottom margin and left and right padding to any HTML elements respectively. Which of the following is true ?
(A) 16 px , 16 px, 16px, 16 px
(B) 16 px , 20px, 14px, 14 px
(C) 16 px , 16 px, 14px, 14 px
(D) 14 px , 14 px, 16px, 16 px
Ans: A
Q15. Syntax to add containers in w3.CSS :
(A) class ="w3-container"
(B) class = “container”
(C) class = “w3.container”
(D) None of these
Ans: A
O Level July 2022 asked questions asked by NIELIT SET 2:
W3CSS FrameWork MCQ Questions Video :